
Monday, 4 July 2016

Inside a drop

For quite a while now there has not been a day without a rain. If it does not rain during the day, it keeps me awake through the night. And when it looks promising during the day a few drops appear at some stage anyway or at least it feels like it. The weather can influence the mood.

Despite my last post, I did find myself feeling down...  Momentarily, of course. Picking myself up into a more positive state, I decided to search through my photo library for a suitable image to cheer me up and to find an inspiration. And voilĂ . Here is a winner.

Rain is rain, not always welcome, but there is something about the delicacy of a single drop. There is something about the world inside drop's perfect shape (and the shape is perfect)... The clarity of water and the brightness of light reflects our world in a distorted form inside a tiny space. Suddenly, new somehow magical world on a smaller scale is revealed. Now, let's be honest. How much magic do we find in our everyday life? So, why not take this finding as an inspiration and turn something mundane into something new and magical?

Starting with rain, break it down to a single drop, observe it and I think it is possible to deal with our current summer much easier. Don't you? K-)

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