

This page is a stage in-between my design process. It is here simply to keep you updated about a project I am working on at the moment. Therefore, its content changes accordingly. You will also be able to see the update on the appropriate post being added continuously.

Update: Saturday, 11 May 2019
Strap for watch

Last time I left you with a dilemma of how to attach my watch to my two-piece strap that I had crocheted as a response to a previous project ('Mossy Bark'). I called it a challenge. And I did try. Really, but...

I just couldn't set the two bars free so that I could subsequently attach the straps. In the end I forced a loose wire around three points of the bars and attached them to the straps. Therefore, I have found other way, not the way I wanted, but as long as it holds...

Originally, I wanted to use the extra space I had gained by the width of the straps and possibly join them creating square or rectangle as is so well observed in Art Deco style (the watch itself is inspired by Art Deco). In the end I liked the way the watch sits on the wrist so I just reserved to the edge curve of the straps and square negative space created around the watch to actually bring the style in.

To sum up, I finished with simplicity. I reached for small black beads (black because the original strap was black so to keep to the look) and threaded them into the watch and here we go. Here is the long overdue strap. All I am left with is to get a battery.


Update: Saturday, 23 June 2012
Metamorphosis: Jeans to Jacket
Have you thought that I have forgotten about this page? No, no. Of course not. I have just been slightly distracted recently by other tasks and as a result have slowed down with my production, not having enough to update you with regarding 'Metamorphosis: Jeans to Jacket'. Having said that, the image above reveals a certain progress.

The body part has been addressed with one piece of crocheted material. Female features are shaped by extending the pattern as seen here.The crochet stitch creates vertical line, known for its slimming property, that shapes well around the body but I am sure there will need to be some adjustments made once I have progressed further...
You might have noticed that I have cut the trouser legs/sleeves. As a result, I have extra material that I used here to level the back. This leaves me with the most challenging part, the collar.
Since I have tucked some of the material inside, a double collar has been created. Now, the challenge is how to cover it, enhance it, develop it further. For this, I will definitely reach for one of my books...
And so, here we are. Hopefully, see you soon with the next update. Kx

Update: Sunday, 22 April 2012

One month on and this is what my 'Leafy-fall' project looks like now. I mentioned that I needed more leaves and that is what I have been doing since my last update. It seriously takes time to cut through one page and fold and glue it back into small leaves. The image above does not look much, you might even think that I am not doing much. Which is why I decided to divide this pile into smaller sections by colours; their tones respectively. 

And now, I feel that I have actually done something. At the moment I have light & dark tones, brown, green, blue, red and a little pile of mixed colours that could be on a border line with red.

Seeing this injects more energy into this project. It is slowly (very slowly) starting to take better shape, giving the 'Leafy-fall' a certain focus.

And so, again, I will continue to grow my leaves collection before I reveal more. Therefore, bear with me for a bit longer. I will keep you posted as usual. Kx

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