
Sunday 24 May 2015

Conscience offshoot

Recently, I have been to see 'Salt and Silver' exhibition that is on at the Tate Britain for a few more weeks. And am I glad I did not miss this occasion.

This exhibition covers early stages of photography when taking and developing pictures was a novelty and quite a science. It covers twenty years of salt prints that are the result of chemical capacity to 'fix a shadow' on light-sensitive paper coated in silver salts. The images on display depict early documentary photography that I love so much in photographs of this time. To see what various places looked like then and compare them to what I remember from my own memory about the same place now, to see people with hair styles and fashion of given time and observing staged portraiture, I could spend the whole day there.

But what I admire the most is the time scale (these photographs cover years 1840 - 1860) and the fact that these pictures have lasted all this time in such quality. That makes me wonder how long today's photographs would last...

There is one more thing, the offshoot impact on my conscience. You must have noticed that I have not been updating my 'Photo' page and simultaneously have not put anything on my G+ account. Well, I'd better do something about that. I'd better pick my camera up and...

...a shot from my neighbourhood. Let's bring in some colour and start.

Have a lovely week and see you next time. K-)

Sunday 17 May 2015

Sized down - Incorporating Beads

Do you remember the Updates on my 'Sized down' project? Just to remind you, apart from the 'Links' earrings that I had already shared with you, there were other two unfinished pieces, a set to be. Well, the set has been finished for a while now and that brings it nicely to my discussion about whether to use wire or yarn...

To start with, I will show you another pair of earrings ('Drops') that were finished in more less the same fashion as the 'Links' (right).

The only difference is the choice of black colour for the additional part and in joining the red sections in a horizontal rather then vertical way. Hence the 'Drops' title.

But what I actually wanted to show you in this post is the necklace. I have to confess that for a long time I had two parts completed but could not think of a way of joining them together. The two for-a-while-completed parts are the ones joining the red sections with red and the black chain.

It was not till I learnt a new technique using beads, that Teri Howes so kindly shared with us on the one day course I mentioned in my previous post, that I could take the design further.

And so, finally, I ended with three chains, two purely in yarn and one incorporating beads, that allowed me to finally finish the necklace. Adding the beads to a purely yarn design brings extra charm that works so well here. What is more, with addition of the 'Drops' earrings I have a set.
In my early discussion of whether to use yarn or wire I have to stress out that everybody is different and different projects require different materials. I would say that for my 'Sized down' project yarn and a few beads worked just right, don't you think?

Have a lovely week and see you next time. K-)

Sunday 10 May 2015

New Possibilities, New Challenges

One thing I actually like about moving is all the creative challenges and/or possibilities it offers. Do you remember my 'Mussel Runner' project where I made a crochet runner that was meant to withstand heat from hot pots? For this, I was after a dense crochet pattern. To make sure, I also added mussel shells that had additional purpose - to decorate.

This project ran in conjunction with then my current move to a bright flat on a third floor. Now, a few years later, I have moved again. This time to a basement. I admit, this is quite a jump but if you saw the flat, it has a certain quirkiness that I simply could not resist. A new flat, new possibilities, more challenges. Not everything that worked in the previous place works here and that makes the brain busy...

To cut the story short, my runner now decorates a small side table and, what is a shame, it does not work as a heat resistant table necessity anymore. "And what is wrong with the main table?", you ask. The runner does not seem to fit there and seems to be in a way. It simply does not work. Plus, over the years I was given various trivets so there is no need for such runner anymore. At least, this is where my obsession with multi-functionality kicks in. The Mussel Runner now serves its decorative purpose on another table.

What I am more concerned about right now is the surface of the main new table. I realise that when I put a plate with my lunch/dinner on it, the plate is quite hot. And here we are again. Heat and a nice shiny surface to protect...

For a while now, I am playing with the idea of using the same pattern as for the Mussel Runner to make a set of placemats. However, I realise that such density is not needed for this...

I see a project coming up. How exiting. I think I might leave it here for now and see you next time. Have a great time and see you with my next post. K-)

Sunday 3 May 2015

Wire vs Yarn

Last week, my post was about one memorable day I spent on a Crochet Jewellery course run by Teri Howes at Cockpit Arts Studios some six month ago.

Coming home after such an inspiring day I could not stop but replay the experience in my mind until the point that I had to sit down and make one more necklace, or shall I say a choker/bracelet, in order to see if I remember the technique and most of all to practice.

Allowing it to carry me further, I decided to use the technique to make a pair of earrings...

Since I already made a couple of earrings for my 'Sized-down' project (when I used yarn) I wanted to explore how suitable a wire is. The outcome (on the left) was rather surprising in the sense that it looks very home made when investigated but at the same time, I got away with it looking crude but professional when wearing it.

When compared to the earrings from the 'Sized-down' project, I remember I could not afford any mistake. A mistake in a form of a too loose or tight stitch of a missed or a messed up pattern. With yarn, any mistake would hit the eye as having something seriously wrong there.

On the other hand, using yarn, the pair looks nice and neat, not crude like when a wire is used. Hmmm, a food for thought...

So, I admit, I do not know. I did enjoy both techniques, working with two such different types of material. However, what I became more than aware of is the variety of potentials the two offer. And this is priceless, at least to me.

And what is even better, at the end of it all, I have the original long wire and bead necklace (from my previous post), a choker/bracelet and a pair of earrings (that I just love wearing) into the set. Plus and most of all, I have learnt a technique with beads which is something I plan to explore further...

As for the question of Wire vs Yarn, I would say that there is a material for everybody/everything and there is no need to dismiss any possibility. Why avoid the challenge? The outcome can be surprising... ;-)

I wish you a great week and see you next time. K-)