
Sunday, 8 July 2018

Beaded bracelet

A few months ago I started working on a present for my sister's birthday. Some years ago she already asked me for a bracelet using elastic thread (for simple wear) and made out of wooden beads. And it is not till now when I finally came to a conclusion that I should listen to her...

To start with, I needed to attend a crash course in beading. This came in a form of googling 'beading' in a search engine. :-)

Of course a lot of answers appeared. One of the first ones was a creation of a two-row bracelet.

As it goes with me, I reached for a thread first. I also gathered all the wooden beads I had accumulated over the years.

After playing with various beads combining different looks, few days later I ended up with a few bracelets and necklaces.

I believe I went slightly wild with the numbers. However, my sister had to wait for a number of years so I may as well present her with a selection...

What you see on the right is it all in a pile. I cannot reveal it to you yet because this present is still not given. But it is coming soon...


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Update: Wednesday, 01 August 2018
Beaded bracelet
Not just one bracelet but three bracelets, two matching pendants for chokers and a pair of earrings stands at the end of my attempt to pay off my sister's initial wish of jewellery. This mix-and-match could justify the looong wait for a present for my sister, wouldn't you say?

On a side note - she did like it. K-)

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