
Sunday 10 November 2013

Familiar environment

Having lived in England for a number of years, a talk about the weather enters everyday talk. It is a must. Which is why even I start this post with a comment - what a lovely weather we have had today. It was sunny, it was bright and it was sooo cold. Just the combination I love and adore. And so, I took my camera and off I went…

First, I stopped by the pond. The sun was hitting the water creating quite an atmosphere. When swans are added to this, a picturesque scene is complete.

Seeing a scene like this I cannot stop myself from thinking of B&W photography. Maybe it is because I was brought up on B&W photographs. I remember my father developing rolls of film and spending hours in our so called darkroom (windowless bathroom) when we would keep him company. As children, we must have been quite a headache for my dad but he left us with him anyway.

Remembering all this now, I must admire him. And what a base this gave us. How great it is to witness the process of developing own photographs.

As I walked through the park, I came across some cut down logs of trees that suddenly became very artistic in my eyes. I found myself studying this broken piece, its sharp spears, the texture...

It became a piece of art when the bark would equal to carvings, when the cut in the log produced a beautiful contrast, when all was so natural. The addition of extra colour (green) at the background
would settle and smooth the entire composition.

Talking about colour, what do you think about the rich, strong red of these roses? When I saw them tied up to a tree near a church I thought what a poignant gesture to today's Remembrance Sunday. Stopping by, I also fell silent for a while…

Honestly, in such bright day the colour stood up enormously. Suddenly, I felt as if I was in a fairy-tale about Sleeping Beauty. The passionate vibrant colour of the roses, the clarity, the charm. I could not help but let my imagination run into the world of magic...

As I turned back, I passed Prince Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens. It was getting dark which again created quite an atmosphere. I could easily continue slipping into a different world, other time…

Amazingly, one can discover so much in a familiar environment. How many times did I go past the Memorial? How many times did I take a picture of a flower? How many times did I stop by logs of wood? How many times did I admire the graciousness of white swans? And still I find them different every time I  see them. There is so much to discover. So keep your eyes open. It is worth it.

Have a lovely week and see you next time. K-)

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