
Sunday 17 November 2013

Every time I visit the V&A... - part 7

…I walk straight past both walls that display postcards. Ouch, this did not come out very well. To be honest I can see how impressive it is to fill two rather large walls with small postcards. I just think that since I visit this museum quite often I end up looking for books or jewellery (for inspiration) in the shop rather than postcards.

And this is why it took me by surprise when I stopped in my tracks and turned around in order to have a second look at a postcard of magnolia by Georg Dionysus Ehret (1708-1770), one of the most influential European botanical artist of his time (at least that what wikipedia says).  Looking at this image of magnolia, a watercolour and body colour on vellum, one cannot help but admire the painterly skill…

Admiring the postcard and thinking of the craftsmanship, I remembered taking photographs of magnolia tree in blossom last spring. It took me a while to locate the pictures in my photo collection but once I found them I felt quite surprised by them...

I remember it was quite a bright morning after rain. The pink tones of the blossoms put together with the colour of the leaves contrasting with the darkness of the tree trunk made a charming juxtaposition.

Finding the images that were more less forgotten behind newer arrivals cheered me up enormously. This is why I am wondering if the postcard was meant to remind me of my own pictures long forgotten. Yes, I am open to this possibility…

Have you ever had the feeling that things happen at the right time, when you stop hoping for any resolution to a problem, when you do not expect it anymore/at all? I find this the case more and more. But this does not mean that we should stop trying. Without trying there is no outcome. On this note, have a lovely week and see you next time. K-)

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