
Sunday 29 September 2013

Rust - why not?

Since I have been contributing to G+, I have looked at things around me with even more inquisitive eyes than before. I have been asking myself - why not? Why not see a beauty in what we usually perceive as ordinary or indeed ugly?

I do not know how many times I went past this lid to a drain that is in my parents garden. Such an ordinary thing, one that goes well and so easily unnoticed.

However, when one forgets the already known and starts to see the colours, their tones and the texture or the shape itself, the already known ordinary item becomes a brand new object worth observation.

Suddenly, I actually look for rust or any ageing visible on objects. I see this as being more interesting and exciting. Out of the blue, even this rusty screw on the edge of an ageing bench becomes attractive.

The old screw reveals its old age, it weathers in all conditions and proudly stands as a timeless beauty. The old screw becomes centre of attention, ready to share its tones and shape in a spotlight.

The red that comes out in a rusty process adds character to its bearer. It brightens up a theme lifting it from a pretty scene to quite an

Whether the centre of attention or accompanying a scene, there is something we can learn from something as mundane as rust. All it takes to cheer up a scene is one stronger tone; which is something quite essential in, for example, fashion.

What an unlikely process to take inspiration from. This is nature from a different angle than I usually look at. Buy why not? It does not always have to be a plant, rock or a bug. It can be a process. What is more, it creates great compositions to photograph. And that is what I love. I just cannot help it.

Have a great week and see you next time. K-)

Wednesday 25 September 2013

My London Design Festival 2013

A year on and the London Design Festival came to my doorstep again. As this is a tradition now, I attended both '100% Design' and 'Tent'. I just must see what is happening in the world of design...

My personal favourite came in a form of a simple understanding of light, reflection and colour in Elizabeth Walker's eye-catching wall piece.

The combination of all three aspects topped up with hours of hard work, Elizabeth, a graduate from University of Buckinghamshire (I hope I am not mistaken by the name of the collage) specialising in surface design, was certainly at the right place at 100% Design.

Displaying only one panel (given by the limited space allowed to collages), Elizabeth reveals the entire piece by a photograph underneath. However this one piece was enough for me to stop and admire her work...

Diving closer for a photograph, it finally became clear to me how this is done.

The original structure has not higher/lower surface, it is all one level. By a clever placement of colour pieces into appropriate cells (or shall we call them pixels), an image is created.

A point to note, Elizabeth used only 6 colours, the primary ones. Also, what I really like here is how this piece ties scientific (the law of physics), digital (braking image into pixels) and craft (hand-made piece and skill) world into one.

I would say, this is another example of something becoming so effective through simplicity...

'Furniture Magpies' and their stand took me back few years, back to my study years when recycling was the thing...

When you step back, you suddenly begin to see where the original material came from. This all is expressed so well by the company belief: We don't believe in good furniture going to landfill when it can be redesigned into pieces that people can love all over again.

A top desk of a table becomes a rocking horse, wool is reused into a knitted/crocheted lampshades or table/chair legs become a table top...

By cutting alongside the length of various table/chair legs, an interesting texture is revealed, a 3D object is flattened and when reattached together makes a new object, a new piece of furniture.

It is also becoming a tradition that when at 'Tent' I find Lizzie Mary Cullen and her stand. Every time, I am looking forward to seeing and admiring her skill and even this year I was not disappointed...

I was rewarded with a wall of colourful chalk drawing and of course a charming personality that Lizzie has.

As always, there was much more to see and admire and as usual, I have selected only a snipped from the sheer volume of exhibitors and locations that make London Design Festival so special. Also, leaving the writing of this post few days after my visit, I become more selective. One thing I have to say is that LDF never disappoints. K-)

Sunday 15 September 2013

The quest

What a summer we have had. I do not remember so many sunny and dry days in a long time. It feels as if an injection of energy and optimism arrived to the British Isles; or at least has visited me for much longer than I am used to from summer here.

And of course, when I went home for holidays, the feeling there was the same. Sunny, dry and a never-ending joy would fill every day throughout.

One did not have to do much searching for some photo gems...

This one was peeping out from our neighbour's garden.

Unfortunately, beginning last week, when we visited the St. James's Concours of Elegance Classic Car Show, it has not stopped raining.

When there, I captured rain drops on the bonnets of the cars, such as seen here in such contrast. And that was when the quest for rain drops started...

How exciting when you see something pretty, something amazing in everything, even rain. Quite frankly, one has no choice in this part of the world where rain becomes the norm.

In these pictures, when rain serves as a backdrop for what is perceived as style, an interesting scene is created...

As I mentioned already, it has been so and so with the weather here right now and so I took the camera with me today to continue with my quest...

The day has been wet, the day has been grey, the day has been overcast again.

And here I was, out there in search for some treasures...

What do you think about  the juxtaposition of natural elements, their colour and the tones? Don't they work well together?

Oh, how much I love discovering the beautiful in the mundane, don't you? K-)

Sunday 8 September 2013

St. James's Concours of Elegance Classic Car Show

Hello all those who have been tirelessly checking my blog for the past two months. Also please accept my apology for not keeping you up to date with what has been happening within my London cultural life. Having had such a wonderful summer here this year, I could not keep myself indoors but ran out every time a chance occurred. One has to enjoy the sun when it arrives to English shores...

In case you wonder what these pictures are all about, the clue is in the name. Yes, as the name suggests, I visited St. James's Palace (the garden that is, not the indoors) that hosted the Concours of Elegance Classic Car Show.

Now, I have to warn you, I do not know anything about cars but when the opportunity arouse, I could not let it go unnoticed. I had to go. And what a joy that was...

Of course, my intake on such occasion would not be at the entire car but its details. The attention to detail, the curves, the gloss on the bonnets of the cars, the crisp shiny colours. Indeed, the colours on those beauties worked for me. Yes, I am definitely one who would choose by the colour not the model...

If it was possible to choose my favourite, it would be the real oldies. Models from the turn of the 20 Century.

To see the use of wood where we are used to seeing metal alloy, wooden wheel and dashboard, the gear box.

What I really liked about this one was the way they stored the spare tires...

The real luxury and elegance came in the form of Darraco racing car. Just look at the soft leather seats. I certainly wanted to sit down. Or at least to touch it. The comfort shines at me even now when looking only at the pictures.

Again, a big smile and admiration came over me when observing the 'boot'. Such a style in itself; attach it to the car and you have a new meaning.

Just compare it to what we know nowadays. The form is probably more practical and definitely bigger but the style is gone...

Indeed travel and comfort seems to come in all forms and shapes throughout the ages.

Whether coming in a form of a cute suitcase matching the interior of this Mercedes Benz or this handy rail, the attention to detail is admirable.

When I saw such cosmetic finish on the bonnet here, I could not but think of some sort of a decoration for a jacket (the one that is still unfinished)...

Well inspiration can be found anywhere...

To sum up, I had a great time there. Additionally, this is an elegant and stylish return to my blog I would say. Going through all the photographs I took, I am sharing with you only a tiny little snipped. One thing I have to add though, when you get a chance to attend something like this, do not miss it. Go - rain or shine. K-)