
Sunday 18 March 2012

View from my window

After a rainy dull day yesterday I was pleased to wake up into a sunny morning today. Such was my joy that instead of sitting down to my breakfast, I grabbed my camera and took few shots from my window.

This image beautifully captures the garden in front of my windows in half sun - half shadow mode.

The shadow just about touches the base of the centre tree and the flower island is halved slightly off centre. However, all is balanced by the long shadows thrown across into the sunny half. The perfection - imperfection touch.

Talking about perfection -
imperfection, this is a relief decorating a building opposite.

Being in quite a need of repair, I love to observe this kind of decay. The signature of time on façades shapes our history making sure that we appreciate and won't forget such skill.

To bring more colours into today's post, there is one more picture to share with you. This row of chimneys simply asked to be photographed. Being on top of the same building as above, they fully drew my attention.

The striking reds sitting on a white base with the blue background, all touched by a morning sun could not be left unnoticed.

In fact, all these were waining for the focus of the camera, wouldn't you say?

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