
Sunday 19 February 2012

On a way

Trying to catch a bit of a sun one morning last week, I grabbed my camera and quickly took this shot. If you ever tried to photograph an atmosphere involving sun, you will know that you need to act fast. And so when I later analysed the photograph of the sun on the figure's legs, I also noticed the picture at the background; the hooves of a horse. Both these figures appear to be 'on a way' to somewhere...

Coincidentally, last night I watched a documentary on Lucien Freud, an acclaimed artist and grandson of Sigmund Freud. The National Portrait Gallery hosts 'Portraits', an exhibition of his paintings right now.

What I enjoyed the most about this documentary was to see Lucien Freud's artistic development and the fact that he remained true to himself. The 'crazy' '60s or '70s did not alter his vision.

Throughout his work he explored what interested or perhaps even troubled him. Especially in the series of his wives and mistresses, he captured the journey of their relationships. It is known that Lucien Freud took time to produce his paintings. Mixing colours for depicting flash tones on the spot (rather that to pre-mix them for speed purposes) served as a way to thoroughly soak the atmosphere and the essence of the sitter.

Lucien Freud was constantly 'on the way' of exploring and developing his work. He would immerse himself in his work and when I look at his paintings, I have pure admiration for his achievements.

The brushwork and the individual colours working in such unity to bring to live the sitters' feelings and desires are admirable. The picture on the right is such an example. The blocks of colour so crudely put next to each other work so well together. What a style.

On a way. But where to? What a question. To be honest, as long as we are on a way to somewhere it matters. Even if you are not sure where you are heading at times, it is important not to stay stagnant. You never know what can wait for you round the corner. Kx

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