
Sunday 26 April 2015

When is the e-mail address worth leaving behind?

For those who have not heard of Cockpit Studios, it is a labyrinth of inspiration and beautifully produced pieces. Usually twice a year (Christmas & Summer), designers open their studios to the public and every time there is a lot to indulge your senses in. Being it jewellery, lampshades, shoes, furnishings, textiles, millenary and many more disciplines, this place is always a pleasure to visit.

It must have been on one of their Christmas Open Studios when I left my e-mail address behind in a notebook of Teri Howes, a jewellery designer. Teri specialises in designing knitted and crochet jewellery, a combination that charmed me utterly. And so, when some time later I received an e-mail announcing a beginners class to crochet jewellery, and more follow on courses for later, I could not resist. That is when on one October morning last year I found myself on a way to her studio at Cockpit Arts and what a day and experience it was...

I seem to have some experience with crochet but to use wire as supposed to wool or yarn was completely new to me. Adding beads on top of it all was a mystery beyond any expectations.

But as you can see I managed to produce a necklace that when worn caught an eye of pretty much everyone. Of course, I followed Teri's advice but she showed me a technique that I believe could be used here and there and everywhere...

I am aware that my technique needs much more tweaking, much more time and practice to bring it to a certain standard but using wire made me see its possibilities and how forgiving it is.

When wool/yarn is used you can see any fault, any mistake easily. Somehow with wire I did not mind how uneven the line looked. In fact, the crude touch that it adds to the design gives it life of its own. Plus it is the beads that are the element to notice so the crochet line becomes the secondary point. It steps into the background.

I have shown you a piece of jewellery using crochet technique with wire and beads. But of course, Teri can do much more and so so well. Therefore,  my next challenge is attacking French Knitting with beads. Attacking with Teri's help, of course. And I am so looking forward to it. :-)

This was definitely worth leaving my e-mail address behind, wouldn't you say? Have a great time and see you next time. K-)

Sunday 19 April 2015

Every time I visit the V&A... - part 8

...I walk across the Kensington Gardens to get there. And at any season there is something exciting to look at, to capture.

In autumn when I was on my way to see the Constable Exhibition, I observed the colours in the Park that only autumn can offer.

The greens so naturally turning into browns revealing other tones during this process is priceless; you cannot fake it. Only a few of us can capture it well - as so well shown at the exhibition I was about to see...

Having taken the shot (intro image) in the park earlier and still having it so vividly imprinted in my mind, I couldn't but to make a certain connection when looking at this painting, 'Study of Foliage' by Constable.

As I learnt, he studied nature from nature in order to fully understand and to be able to use it in his future paintings later. Hence the title - a study. Of course, there is nothing new about this process. But how often and fully do we actually listen to something so logical - 'study'? Study the colours, how they correspond with each other, the texture, movement, how the subject look on a bright day or in a mist, is there any sound and what does it evoke in you,... All these questions, how exhilarating, how exhausting and how much can you get enriched by the found out knowledge?

As I said in my previous post, I was not completely idle during my over-the-year absence. Alright, I would not visit the V&A as often as before but my visits there still go on. Just a bit less frequently. And all the questions do still enter my mind. Therefore, idle? I think not.

Have a exhilarating week and see you next time. K-)

Sunday 12 April 2015

Idle? You must be joking.

Alright, so I did not publish a single article for over a year. That does not mean that my hands were left in an idle position. On the contrary. Whenever there was an opportunity they would grab it. One such event was my sister's wedding.

To cut the story short, I was honoured to design her invitations. This meant to come up with two versions, one for English and one for Czech ceremony. But as those who follow my blog know, I have the tendency to have two things running at the same time. And this is when my article starts to make sense...

The flower my sister chose for her Czech wedding was a calla lily. And so I sat down, grabbed a crochet hook and started to create a calla lily.  Coincidentally and what is definitely worth noting is that the shape of the blossom also allows to keep a little surprise; not only for the bride and groom but also the wedding party...

In preparation for the big day, I kept my eyes open on anything unusual or special but very much fitting to the occasion. A surprise came from a company that prints images on smarties/M&Ms. The surprise turned out to be a crocheted calla lily filled with smarties with a portrait of the bride and groom.

Now, you need to understand that my sister does not eat sweets much so when I was giving her a pack full of smarties she looked rather puzzled (not surprisingly). It was not till she realised what was printed on them that she got the joke. And what a lough we had.

I wish you a good week and hope to see you soon. K-)