
Sunday 16 June 2013

When there is not much to write about...

... just wish everybody a good day, week, month, year,...

And that is just what I want to do. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to catch up with what had not been done for a while and that means that I keep at home rather than go out hence have not much to write about as a result.

I am sure you know the feeling yourselves when you decide to postpone something, to do it later and this 'later' actually never happens. At the end, all the small tasks pile up until it becomes unbearable reaching far too much over the top. And then you definitely do not want to even look at it, let alone touch it. Haven't we done it all?...

Well, I have been looking at certain piles spread here and there at my home; on the shelves, table tops or indeed the floor. I was becoming frustrated and annoying to my environment and such feeling is not desirable around here. This is why I just had to gradually catch up by working day by day, doing certain tasks bit by bit. And it works. There is still more to be done but once started, the progress that is made can be rewarding.

And so, I will leave you with a wish of a great day, week, month, year,... adding this painterly picture of a sculpture from Notre Dame I took few months ago and later on adjusted using paintography (yes, I am still practising). Personally, when I look at this picture, a certain sense of tranquility and calm fills my entire self which is emphasised by the fact that a bit of organising and catching up on a personal level has been achieved. Have a great week and see you next time. K-)

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