
Saturday 20 October 2012

Wizardry in Wood

Wizardry in Wood is the title of a fair I visited today. I must say, I have not seen anything so beautiful, skillful and spine-tingling in a long time. Wood-turning is the base of all the works on display.

Rosemary Wright takes the process of wood-turning into a new dimension by turning, cutting the pieces and creating these wall panels that caught my eye. What I like about this is the approach. The fact the she takes what one would expect and takes it further. From a design point of view, I like such approach and, dare to say, can relate to it.

All of this is described in Rosemary's own words - 'I find this liberating'. I can definitely believe that.

Below are just few artists that caught my eye though I must say one did not know where to look and what to admire first.

Mark Hancock

Beautiful and decorative pieces.

My first thought here was that this flower was made out of leather. How wrong was I.

The finish might look leathery but this flower by Gabor Lacko and Patricia Spero is made out of thin slices of wood. I actually had to touch it to believe it.

Margaret Garrard's stand revealed delicate finish and earthy colour to her pieces.

The picture on top brings one of her pieces closer. The shape and the refined work shows the skill with which the wood is treated. This is simply stunning.

I started this post by praising a liberating work approach of Rosemary Wright. I would like to finish by showing some pieces by Joey Richardson.
Again, as a designer, I could not leave unnoticed this block of wood revealing beautiful craft. Here one can actually see the vision of an artist; the fact that the design is seen even before the artist starts manipulating the wood.

Joey Richardson also combines wood with glass. What makes this more interesting is that these glass pieces are a spitting image of what had been turned in wood earlier. Sometimes they make a part of a piece, someimes they stand alone. Her work is so eye-catching.

Wizardry in Wood was definitely worth visiting and I am putting a note in my diary for next year. What a show. K-)

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