
Friday 15 July 2011

Mussel Trivet - the journey

I was given this image of mussels neatly arranged and ready for roasting over a flaming pyre. This is a process seen around the south-west coast of France (or so I am told). What interests me here is the way the mussels are arranged.

For some time now, I have kept empty mussel shells hoping to find the right use for them. They are strong, water and heat resistant and reasonably shaped. What is more, they are also rather decorative pieces.

This is why I decided to turn them into a trivet.

My question is how to join them. I do not want to use glue (even though I might to at some stage) and I do not have a drill with the necessary drill bits.

Therefore to start with, I decided to reach for a string. Partly because I can use it for crochet and partly because of my hands-on approach when materials can be manipulated and controlled purely by my hands.

Here we go. It looks that I have found my next project. It is about time. My 'Updates' page cries for an update. Therefore, keep checking the progress. A 'Mussel Trivet' does sound exciting (at least to me) and one never knows what can come out of it. Have a great weekend and see you soon. Kx

Update: Sunday, 17 July 2011

Mussel Trivet
A few days into a 'Mussel Trivet' project and this is where I am so far.

Trial 1

Using a string, I crocheted 'slots' into which the mussel shells can be slipped. Pleasing to the eye, here is a potential for a trivet. 

What is not answering my design is the sheer height. The string&shell layers make the design pop up. What I need is a flat object.

Therefore, next...

Trial 2

As I have mentioned in my 'Web Top' post, I have a clever book on crochet patterns. This one is a pattern I wanted to try out for a long time.

What you can see here is the front and back of a material that responses to the demand of a trivet. First of all, it is flat which was missing from  the previous design.

What is more, it is dense which gives the necessary protection between a hot pot and a desk/table. So here is a potential for a design.

What I am missing here are the mussel shells. Obviously, I cannot have a Mussel Trivet without any mussel shells. Therefore, I need to find a connection between Trial 1 & Trial 2.

For this, I will see you in my next update. In the meantime, if you have any suggestion do let me know. Ta. Kx

Update: Sunday, 24 July 2011

Mussel Trivet

We are another week into my 'Mussel Trivet' project and a lot has happened since then. That is if you count a lot of thinking (which is always important to include, of course).

To cut the story short, I realised that there will be a need to invest into a drill and drill bits afterall. That is why I got one. And what a beauty it is, don't you think?

When I was first year at uni, I was told to get a drill. Apparently I would (sooner or later) find a use for it. I am a number of years out of uni now and finally have found the use (or so I hope). So here we go. I will tell you what happened next week.
This image was introduced to you with my last week's update. Since then I have found a design idea for it.

All I will tell you about it right now is that it is within the range of dining accessories. The rest will come in images. Is this a teaser or what?...

I hear that the coming week should feel like summer so enjoy it and see you soon. Kx

Update: Saturday, 6 August 2011

'Teaser' revealed
- more in due course...

Update: Monday, 29 August 2011
My teaser turned into a table runner. More on 'Mussel Runner' can be seen in its own post. Just click on the link.

Update: Sunday, 11 September 2011
Mussel Trivet

After incorporating a trivet into my 'Mussel Runner', the design process of the 'Mussel Trivet' itself has taken a different dimension; the follow on step. The image above suggests the idea. Therefore, keep on checking the 'Updates' page. I will see you soon with the progress.

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