
Sunday 18 March 2018

Blackfriars columns

I have another project I would like to share with you. This time the inspiration comes from a picture taken from the Blackfriars Bridge pointing towards St. Paul's Cathedral with Blackfriars Train station cutting across the middle of the image and into the view of the Cathedral.

Even though there are few elements here what stood up for me the most were the red and yellow columns.

And here we go again; I reached for threads of various colours to experiment with first trying to find out what I could actually make out of the inspirational picture before moving on to wire.

Originally, another choker was imprinted into my mind but after two days of trying different variations, being it the lengths of the stitches, introduction of a third colour, unpicking my samples a few times and getting frustrated for not getting anywhere with it I simply had to stop and look at the picture again, differently.

I also looked into my toolbox hoping that any bright idea will pop into my mind and... eyes landed on a spool with five pins I had used some time before.

The connection with the columns from my picture with the shape of the spool clicked together and I felt that I just have to use it for my Blackfriars project.

I had already decided to limit my colours to red and yellow so the question was if I had all I needed to fulfil my project. And yes, over the years I have accumulated a few things so it was more a question of mix & match.

Golden plated wire would represent yellow pillars, red beads would take on the colour and shape of red columns.

After the decision was made, I started with French knitting, a technique I had learned on another of Teri Howes courses.

After you start, this technique is rather repetitive and easy. The only time you have to turn your brain on is when beads are added.

I added twice two in a row, five rows per section following by two rows without any beads.

I would have gone on and on if it was not that I run out beads. And so it was given. I had a piece of certain length that could turn to a bracelet, neckless, earrings,...

Cutting it in half, I pulled a plain earring loop through and a pair of earrings was born. I have worn them since and got quite a few curious looks and positive comments. Of course I like this. What I like even more though is the journey from a picture through experimenting to a final piece.


Update: Sunday, 08 July 2018
Blackfriars column
A few months after completing a pair of earrings ('Blackfriars Column')that were inspired by red and yellow columns of Blackfriars Railway Station, here comes their turquoise variation.

First I had to separate two shades of turquoise beads since I had a mixed pack. I must admit I felt like Cinderella when on a sunny day I sat indoors separating the beads...

Why this task? Because I wanted to bring some order into a supposing mess. And why the two shades? Because the two shades add depth to the whole design. 

And here we go again. First I threaded beads on a wire in a ABAB (row 1), BABA (row 2) sequence repeating until row 5. This is followed by two rows without any beads.

After five sections of five rows of beads I cut it off and pulled over a couple of earring hoops and voila, a new pair of earrings entered this world.


Saturday 3 March 2018


This picture was taken a few month ago from one of the higher floors of the new extension to the Tate Modern. And I remember thinking - "There is something there." In other words, I could see a potential there, an influence for my next project.

And since I had been working on a 'Choker' project previously, I decided to continue with the same theme.

Getting my head around it, I experimented with yarn first before reaching for a wire. The colour was given by the picture so the next step was to get the structure...

In this picture you can see that I begun with the size of the rectangles (windows) being divided by a red line. In the experiment on the right, I felt I needed to downsize the rectangles ('windows') but since  I created a sample I needed to complete it.

Twisting the piece, I joined it making sure the red line goes on continuously in a whirling motion and this is what I was left with. A rather sculptural offshoot but very interesting and raw.

Talking about downsizing the rectangles I returned to the original idea and with that in mind another sample emerged. This time however, I realised that it was getting far too wide for a choker.

To cut the story short, I folded it in half and...

..the choker is bolder in colour, bigger in thickness, has rounded up (given by the tension when crocheting) and follows the curve of one's neck beautifully. To join it I used a magnetic clasp and...

Again, what a fun it was creating this geometry inspired project that (I think) leaves open doors to further possibilities...  K-)