
Tuesday 10 January 2012


This rail bridge was built in 1938. This was my first image taken on an extended family weekend that we spent in the Hotel Pod Spálovem. This hotel is situated some 400m above sea level at a base of mountains called Jizerské hory. When we were children we used to spend a lot of winter breaks here so visiting this area now, as grown-ups, brought back some pleasant memories.

Look at these two cottages. I simply love their look; the synchronisation of colours on wooden planks, the skill with which they were built. This is a typical look and mountains are full of houses of such style.

One thing you should know about my brother is that he is a culture/walks enthusiast who together with his family spends every weekend on a go; tours, castle visits,... And even this weekend he did not disappoint. He took us on an originally 4km tour that ended up being some 10km long. Images below depict the terrain we intended to conquer.

To start with, we enjoyed hills, rocks, trees and springs.

Walking through such scenery felt magical to a moment when rain and snow decided to show us who is the boss here.

Soon after, snow took over and we were shown a white face of mountains.

Since it was getting dark and we did not want to be caught up in the middle of nowhere, we sped up and walked briskly back to the hotel that was still some 4km away. I must admit that coming back to this kind of plate was irresistible.

It has been two days since we returned home and everybody still feels some aches and pains. However, this experience was worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once went to this beautiful place. It is truly a place of serenity, yet it is still offering much for those with adventurous minds.