
Monday 10 April 2023


Not much has been posted on this blog over the past couple of years but that does not mean that nothing is happening. Actually it does, I have not produced much. So at least an Easter wish so that you know of my existence. K-)

Mind you, I still take photographs, even though mainly on my phone, the SLR camera is touch heavy to carry.

Therefore, the images you see on the card were taken by me. And as it goes, Google Photos assembled them into this visual that I actually liked so saved it with the purpose to use it at Easter.

Next step was to add the text in Photos app on my phone and voilà, here it is. Easter card...

Moc jsem toho neposlala na tento blog za posledních pár let, ale to neznamená, že se nic neděje. Vlastně ano. Moc jsem toho nevyrobila. Tak alespoň toto velikonoční přání abyste věděli, že tu jsem. K-)

Apropo, stále fotím i když většinou jenom na mobil, SLR foťák je pro mě trošičku těžký.

Takže, obrázky na tomhle přání jsem vyfotila já. Dohromady je sestavil Google Photos, za což jsem byla ráda a uložila to s myšlenkou, že se to bude hodit an Velikonoce.

Další krok bylo přidat text a využít Photos app na mobilu a voilà, tady máme velikonoční přání...
We have just witnessed an interesting exercise. The description of production of this Easter card with what is available to us at this time and all this written in English and Czech language.

Právě tu proběhlo zajímavé cvičení. Popis o výrobě velikonočního přání s tím, co je mi momentálně dostupné a vše v anglickém a českém jazyce.


Saturday 5 February 2022


A new project was just what I needed. After a good year or so of being quiet I felt that a Kindle that I got at Christmas and that needed a case was opening new opportunities. Of course, I could have just bought it but why should I? I love crocheting and actually thought of doing something with yarn again so it is perfectly alright for a new project to beck at me. And boy, I take it!

Last weekend, I went through remaining balls of Wool or Acrylic that I used in my previous projects (years and years ago).

I came across a big ball of the colour that is seen in the intro image, found a book with various stitches (that was at the bottom of my bookshelf) and picked the most basic stitch to produce this bag.

The reason why I picked the easiest stitch was because I was after something low-key. I was after creating a canvas. And I must say, it looks rather good even just like this. Plus, I 'designed' padding inside in case it falls down with the Kindle inside. How great is that...

But it would not be me if I did not come up with further ideas, especially when they hit me in my eyes; three days in the row. I witnessed amazing sunsets three evenings in a raw (on my Photo Page). And so, I am thinking to incorporate them here. It is canvas after-all. K-)

More on that next time. Have a good time and see you soon.
