
Thursday 12 December 2019

'Hoop in Hoop' Earrings

What you are looking at here is work in progress when I was about to assemble a pair of earrings...

But to go to the beginning it all started with me working out colour scheme and making rough patches with the colours...

This time I did not have a picture for an inspiration (as I usually have), it was the idea behind; this was/is jewellery for February born lady. Birth stone of February is amethyst hence the purple colour. The white colour was introduced as a reference to unpolished stones that have some white in them so I added it too.

I was rather pleased when I assembled it all into what is on the right. But you know the nagging feeling when you think this is not there yet. For a few days that was me...

...until I made another purple 'viking weave' chain and extended the earrings.

Embracing the existing earrings with a purple hoop each, suddenly the earrings stepped into the next level; from something 'nice' to something 'noble', wouldn't you agree?

Enjoy this pre-Christmas time and see you next time. K-)