
Friday 27 March 2015

A Confession - Focus on one's life

No, no. I have not desappeared. I am still around. Alive and kicking (as they say :-)

Do you know the feeling when you need to take a step back in order to be able to continue later, clearing up your head along the way? Well, in my case it seems to take more than a year (and I am not sure the head got completely cleared yet ;-). The step back however, was rather refreshing; having some time off my blog, disappearing form my activities on G+ and essentially trying to live life differently.

This feels like analysis of my whole existence (oh how heavy this sounds). Don't worry, it is not so bad. As I said, it is quite refreshing.

All I could see during this time were little separate 'ducks' here and there and everywhere and indeed there was some sort of a link too but THIS link was not very clear. At lease not to me.

And so, all it takes now is to get these ducks in a row. Simple.

I wonder if you could help me with this a little. Check my website: and have a look around this blog. I would like to hear form you and am looking forward to all your comments, critisism and suggestions. :-)

Have a wonderful time and see you soon. K-)